Hello and happy new year! 🎉 We are looking forward to an awesome 2022, with a very exciting roadmap full of new awesome features. For the first month of 2022, DocQ 1.7 brings some new features and some enhancements to existing functionality.
When splitting a document as a step in a workflow, you can now define what happens when the individual parts resulting from the splitting return from their respective subprocesses. Merge them back into the original document? One of the returning parts to replace the original document? Define the priority for which metadata to keep or overwrite when merging back the previously split parts of a document? All is possible 🙌 in the new, enhanced document splitting step.
You can now make proper Web service calls from within a workflow. This means that you can customize any sort of integration 🎉 that you have to build using the standard HTTP methods. In such step, you can configure the HTTP method, parameters, payload and other information needed to interact with the Web service in question.
Users can now edit metadata from documents. Metadata can be populated manually or through automated processes such as during integrations with third party platforms. Many times, metadata might be outdated or with the wrong value for some reason. Fixing those is now possible. However, as a user, you must have the proper permission to view and edit metadata of documents. Such permission can be given to users by an admin in the permissions panel. 👏
You have been able to hash values for quite some time but now we’ve added the ability to choose between completely hiding the value or showing the hash. It’s a simple flip of a switch, literally. It is a switch you are able to now turn on when needed. Currently this feature is only available in PDF templates.🥷