I cannot believe that DocQ is already in v1.3! Lot’s of new features have been released in the last months, and so much more is planned for the near future. But for now, check out how awesome the features we are making available for you in this new release!
Protecting privacy has never been so important as nowadays. With so many regulations around on data protection and privacy, DocQ is more than ready to help you achieve compliance.
When defining template variables, you now have the power to decide whether you want the value of that variable, that has been informed somehow, to not show in the document. Basically, the variable value will still be there, as part of the document metadata, and can be used for example in integration mappings or Decision Engine (IFTTT) conditions in workflows. However, no one will be able to see the actual value by viewing the document in DocQ.
In case you need an extra help remembering an action that needs to be taken on a specific document, you can now use the document reminder feature, that you find in the document maintenance page.
Basically, this feature allows you to define the date when reminders have to be sent to you, or any other internal or external user, about a document. You can even type in a custom message to go along with your reminder. You should definitely try it now, you can define as many reminders as you want for a document.
The notification module of DocQ is quite powerful, with lots of possible customizations. Now, it is even cooler, because you can track not only if an email has been sent, but also whether it has been delivered to its destination. How cool is that?
I believe you are already familiar with document template and the various things you can accomplish with those, right? We have gone one step further, to make it even better.
Now you can create documents from templates and add those newly created documents to specific groups. That’s right! If you use groups to organize, categorize and index documents, now you can trust DocQ to help you with the (many times, tedious) work of tagging the documents by moving them into groups. At the document template definition you can select as many groups as you want to associate the new document with.
If this is the first time you’ve heard of groups, and how it can be utilized to make your life just that much easier and organized, it’s never to late to start using them.
There are many other features being release. I won’t bother you with details about every one of those. However, here is a list: