Case Study

Global RPO Utilizes Integrated Forms

January 26, 2021
2 Minute Read

A global RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) agency. The agency has hundreds of customers that take advantage of their services, which provides superior candidate experience, stronger employer brand and new technology. A part of that new technology is DocQ.

With DocQ’s capability to turn a document template easily into web forms, as the agency aforementioned have many document templates for assessing candidates, the choice became easy for them to implement our solution.

Here is a quick glimpse of how easy and quick converting a document template into a web form can be:

Additionally, with our integration connector to our partner ATS platform (SmartRecruiters), the choice became profitable. Since with the SmartRecruiters connector, automations can be implemented and data points that would otherwise be a manual data entry is now automated.

Not only has DocQ become a part of their business process to  assess candidates, it also provided them with job requisition reporting.

RPO agencies often times need to provide adequate reporting on job requisition, not only for billing and/or filling perspective, but also in terms of analytics about the job position itself (i.e. location, cost center, department, employment terms, etc.). These are all considered the benefits of having a good versus a GREAT RPO solution.

As mentioned before, because of the ease-of-use and effectiveness of DocQ’s template-to-form technology, converting document templates into forms is a cinch, and reporting on job requisitions is only a web form submission away. Added with the integrations (translate to: automation) that are needed for reporting on job requisitions, DocQ became the one and only solution.

We are very excited to continue to partner with the aforementioned RPO agency with our solution: DocQ. The more time we can save them, the more time they will have to focus on providing better candidate assessments and superior employer brand. We’re providing RPO agencies the piece-of-mind it deserves.

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DocQ Team

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